Friday, March 15, 2013


I love to help with laundry!
She surprised me by climbing into the laundry basket. How did she do it without tipping it over?
 If Evelyn could live in the bathtub, she would. She loves holding onto that thing on top of the faucet that switches the shower on and standing. I imagine it gets pretty cold, but she doesn't care. She'll reach down and splash her fingertips in the water, but we can't convince her that bathing is much more fun sitting down. Anytime she even sees the bathroom door, she wants to take a bath and cries when you won't let her. Luckily, the girl is always wanting to feed herself and get food in her hair so she gets lots of baths. Maybe she's smarter than we think. I didn't expect 10 month olds to be so independent.
 We went to a little girl's birthday party. There was a fun bubble machine. The bubbles were fascinating. Anytime we went somewhere else, Evelyn was stearing us back over to the bubbles. The party hat was too adorable.
 Here she is wearing a dress I wore as a baby. We love the 'vintage' dresses!
Walking while holding on with one hand has quickly turned into taking multiple steps on her own! She can now stand up without holding onto anything, too. Today she walked the entire length of our couch without falling. She is so proud of herself and we are proud of her! Ten months old. She's had her two bottom teeth for a while, and we can see four on top that are about to poke through, but not quite. We figure that's the cause of the major grumpiness that's been going on for a few days.

She loves to say "Mom" and "Dad" with recent additions "ga" and "ba." We're pretty sure ba refers to ball, as she says it while we roll the ball with her back and forth. While Mark is at work Evelyn likes to walk with me from room to room saying "Dad! Dad!" She really accents the second 'd.' She's always talking about her daddy. What about mom? She says that when she's mad or hungry. Lucky me. I guess it makes sense. I'm the food and comfort when she's hurt or sad.

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