Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thoughts to Myself

Its been a weird sort of week. One of those times when I feel scarily lazy, but I need to do a lot of things. Somehow, homework is completed just shy of the deadline. Somehow, I learn the things necessary to pass a quiz or two. But the imminent doom of future exams loom on the horizon, and I realize I should be studying a lot more.

On monday I had my final appointment with the experimental back pain study people. Their advice: exercise. I'm not the best candidate for passive therapy. And that's the kind I like. You know, relax in a steamy bathtub while you read an entire book. Lay down on a heat pad. Hook yourself up to your machine of electrical stimulation. I like those kinds. So I worked on my stretches and did some yoga. Until tuesday, which was the day that something felt very wrong inside my ribcage. I have several theories, and they may or may not be related to sneezing and tearing and then infecting the lining that lines the outside of my lungs. It hurts to breathe. And I can't tell if I'm hungry or not, or even if my back is hurting. Basically the pain is all-consuming. But actually I feel a whole lot better today. Which is nice.

On friday I went to the library and signed up for a card. I grabbed a fat stack of books and got in the car. Upon gazing at the flyer I received with the card, I decided to go to the grand location on 4th South and 2nd East. What a great library. Great as in huge and also amazing. So I have two fat stacks to read. And I've read four. Oh dear. I reeeeally should be studying or something. After all, fall break is so soon!

I'm very excited for fall break. I just feel bad for Mark because he has field trips and has to work and can't come with me to Missouri. There is going to be a super-cool comet or something during break so I'm coming back to Salt Lake to see it with Mark.

Also we made a very awesome abstract painting with magnets and magnetite and paint. I tried to take a picture but somehow misplaced the camera. But we decided it was a fusion of science and art. Gotta decorate the ugly cinder block!

Cache of Cash. Sometimes I think I'm so clever. Cache like... stored memory. Which is what a blog is, no? I suppose I was also born in Cache County, Utah. And Mark lived there at the same time as me. I wonder if toddler him and baby me passed each other at the grocery store or something like that.

It was a happy conference day. We ate tasty soup in bread bowls. I really like eating soup when I don't feel well. Also its nice to know that I can just lay down for church tomorrow. Conference always reminds me how amazing it is to have a real-life prophet. And also that I need to be a better version of Jamie.

I suppose that sums it up.

I wish the floodlight outside the window that illuminates the creepy branches swaying in the wind would burn out. They fixed it last week. Sillies.

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