Thursday, October 22, 2009

Of a Thursday

Wahoo its time to put off some homework and update this blog!

It was Fall Break last week, which was awesome. So I went to Missouri and stayed at my parent's house. It was good fun, and excellent to see my family. Mark toured some mines on field trips all week. He took some amazing pictures and videos of things being blown up, but they're top secret so I can't post them. So he did a lot of homework and I got to play! A random (hopefully) non-top secret picture of somewhere Mark went but is not here to describe:

I'm still on a reading kick... I returned a whole bunch of books that I read and its sort of scary. Sadly the library didn't have Percy Jackson and the Olympians book 3 available. But I have a lot of books on hold waiting to be delivered. What else can you do when your back makes you a couch potato? Minus TV. I've decided that reading is much better than TV watching. If only I could avoid movies...
Anyways, while in Missouri I went to a football game to see my senior brother play one last time! That was cool. They lost, but Christian had a great game. Its cool to hear the announcers say his name over and over. Wahoo! I took a lot of video, but with my mom's camera, so you can't see it here.

I spent an eternity at the Denver airport on Monday trying to get back to Salt Lake City. It was okay, though because of aforementioned reading kick. The only problem with airports is the lack of readily available delicious food. So I consumed many pricey morsels, and was unable to feel sustained. Airports=perpetual hunger. Thinking about it makes me hungry...

This sort of brings me to another thing. On Wednesday, I went to my sister-in-law's State Cross Country meet! That was neat. She did very well, placing 16th overall. I can't even imagine running 3 miles up and down hills. Steep hills. Yuck. So this video is of Lisa finishing, the first part of the race was in this park and it wound up and down hills, over bridges, across the street, finishing on the track that you see.

So that was cool! I got back to the apartment and rolled out my gingerbread cookies! And then our friends, the Stanley's came over and we decorated them into haunted houses! (I also did this at home with my little brothers and sister and her friend, with sugar cookies). I couldn't find a lot of the candy that I wanted to use, so they're more icing decorated than candy decorated. But they're fun. After this we watched Garfield's Halloween. (from 1985!) You can't go wrong with Garfield.

And now here I am, on a Thursday night about to finish my physics homework, while Mark is at work. I have no shortage of things to do, unfortunately. Especially dishes and laundry. And maybe pick out a birthday present, which is a lot more fun. All this after physics, of course. I hope I finish soon... my assignments usually take hours.

Any book suggestions?

*Sorry about that crazy box underneath the video. I've tried to fix it to no avail!

Also, I forgot to mention that Mark recieved a job offer for when he graduates (one year, and one half of a semester... you can't come soon enough for me). Its from Arch Coal, which is cool. The plan is to work somewhere for two years, and then move somewhere crazy and explore the world. After this, Mark wants to switch to a non-coal company and do something... non-coal. For the record, he wouldn't mine coal in Africa if we lived there, but platinum and diamonds. But I digress. The job offer is to live in Price! I don't know if I can do this. I have a whole year to think about it, and maybe I'm hoping for more job offers. But the compensation... who can argue with that kind of money? You see, they were very impressed with Mark's interning skills this past summer (in Price) and want to keep him. I'm impressed, too. He's pretty amazing. I suppose I'll just write a list of positive things Price has to offer, and post said list where I can see it all the time. Yes, this is a good idea.

I'll complain about school another day.

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