Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Evelyn Margene Cash

 Evelyn was born April 24, 2012 at 2:15am. She weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces.
 She was a little jaundiced, so we had to worry about that for a few days. She's not yellow now, though!
 She only likes to be swaddled when she is sleepy. So I bundle her up and she goes right to sleep. When she's awake, she'd much rather be laying flat on the floor.
 She's so content. I thought that I'd carry her around in my Moby wrap that I got from Dirt Cheap without really knowing what it was, except that it was a smokin' deal. I may have wasted a few bucks though, because she hated it! So I just spread a blanket on the floor and she was perfectly happy while I did a few things around the house.

She also doesn't mind sitting in her car seat.
 As long as there are plenty of lights to look at.
 First day, in the hospital.
 Cuddling with a happy daddy on the couch after church.
 Cuddling with grandma one last time before she left for the airport.

 Happy during her first bath.
 My favorite picture. Her favorite time to smile is morning.

Checkin' out the mirror after her first bath. Her belly is getting rounder and rounder!
We think she's the cutest thing that's ever happened.


  1. She is about the cutest thing that's ever happened... well tied for first anyway! I can't believe she's that happy and smiling already. She is just too precious!!

  2. She is adorable!! I can't believe how big her smile is! (Christine didn't like the Moby wrap either)

  3. McPherson hated his wrap the first 3 weeks. and then for the next 6 weeks he lived in it. so I wouldn't get rid of it, just in case.

  4. Oh she is adorable! I am so happy for you guys! Congrats!
