Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Casey came to visit me this weekend! We went to the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, and here is my probably illegally taken picture of my favorite sculpture of all time. A horse constructed from tree limbs, casted in pewter. There are a lot of neat-o things there.

We went on a little downtown jaunt to the awesomest library and came across this idea in a magazine.

The bats, pumpkins, and ghosts are a weird variation of salt dough that must be microwaved.

The tree is a cut up and twisted paper bag.

Its a nice little decoration for the microwave.

Casey's cute little bat!

Hahaha... our leaf-pumpkin creation for the door.
I'm happy for October.

I love this kind of fall weather.

Mark's got a lot of job interviews! It looks like we'll be travelling a lot this semester, previewing the various places we might live. Maybe me by myself, since Mark has a lot of school. Who knows. It's pretty exciting! The end is in sight!


  1. I love your tree! Its so cool. Thats exciting about the interviews and having the end in sight. What are you up to this seemseter. We need to talk one of these days! Hope you are well!

  2. I also love your Halloween decorations! I was going to make those little guys, maybe I still will. I saw them online.
    I also saw Casey this weekend! We drove down to Vegas spur of the moment on Saturday afternoon. Mom was worrying about the animals.
    Yay exciting for you guys! A lot of traveling and interviews! Wahoo!
